Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: business people

Monday, 05 October 2015

When is the party really over?

On the weekend I went to dinner with a few girlfriends, then a couple of them went on to a nightclub. 

I personally couldn't think of anything worse. Why in your mid-forties would you want to go to a nightclub? To pick up? To get drunk? Really?

Then I thought a bit more; I know lots of old, rich men who go to nightclubs, particularly when they are in New York, London, Ibiza, Mykonos etc. There seems to be a growing trend. Perhaps I didn't notice it so much when I was younger at how many old men there are in nightclubs. I am talking 50's, 60's and god-forbid, 70 year old's hanging out with 20-somethings, trying to lure them through wing-men that are more connected usually due to their ability to source drugs or find rich people to pick up the tab.
Published in Mellissah Smith