Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: sydney - Page 5

Everyone is busy doing budgets for the next financial year, and setting sales forecasts, while marketers are frantically trying to ensure that marketing strategies are in line with the results that management are looking for. What is most important is the ability for companies to read the market, understand what customer want, and easily communicate why they should choose a particular company over another.

Marketing Eye is fine-tuning our 2018/19 marketing strategy for Australia, ensuring that we don't just focus on Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Townsville, but also other States in Australia with a firm goal of opening offices in Adelaide, Perth, Canberra and New Zealand.
Published in Marketing
For the past five months I have been incredibly picky about who would be the right person to spearhead the business in Sydney, a very important market to the Marketing Eye organisation.

While many have felt that I have sat on my hands, I have been quite deliberate. I needed the right person to be in the position that had the skills and passion to take the business forward.
Published in Marketing
It's that time of year when many Australian companies are reviewing their staffing needs.
Published in Marketing
I'm embarassed to say that I have let down my readers because I have been so busy working on innovation and developing the Marketing Eye business, that I haven't had a minute to scratch myself. I don't think that I have ever taken so long to write a marketing blog in the entire history of Marketing Eye, and I've missed it as much as you may have.
Published in Marketing
Everyone is on the lookout for top-notch team members that will help their businesses accelerate their growth.

Finding the right people for the right job can sometimes be quite difficult. There is so much competition in the market for high performing talent with strong credentials, and even the fact that they often change jobs as quickly as they change their underpants – this does not waiver.

Marketing Eye Sydney is seeking to find a high performing, self-starting, Inside Sales Executive to join the team.
Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 20 December 2017

The best day, the worse day

I woke up this morning and hopped in my car with a colleague and my niece, and headed for the beach. I felt good. In fact, I felt great. The sun was already blistering hot and after a cold winter in Melbourne, I was soaking up every bit of warmth that Sydney has to offer.

With so much to do today, I decided that I would spend the morning changing things up. That meant the Bondi to Bronte walk, followed by breakfast at Indigo Double Bay and then a trip to the office. I wanted to pinch myself. A healthy start to the day, sunshine and my favourite city in the world, was making me deliriously happy.
Published in Mellissah Smith
There was once a real reason why big agencies had such a stronghold on anyone serious about marketing their company - but somehow that has fast become something of the past.

When I started out in agency world, it was the big brand agencies who every company wanted looking after their brands. Fast track 20 odd years, and now it's the small agencies and startups that are completely disrupting the market.
Published in Marketing
When you wake up and race to the office each day, not out of necessity but because you are can't wait to turn on your laptop and hang with your team - you know you are doing something right.

My job isn't what you think. Yes, I own a marketing company, but given that we have a true flat organisational structure, I don't manage anyone, or anything for that matter. Instead, my days are full of creativity, writing, celebrating, brainstorming and general engagement with the people that work at Marketing Eye.
Published in Marketing
Friday never comes fast enough, not because I don't like my job, but due to the fact that my brain is trained to think that there is an euphoria to do with weekends.

In truth, my weekday brings me more joy than any weekend could, and while I work tirelessly on my many projects, it is the satisfaction I get from each and every project I finish that really has me pumped.

Marketing Eye goes from strength to strength and we will have our biggest year ever in 2017/18. This is especially sweet due to the fact that so much work has been put into getting the company into the position it is now.

As I embark on an ongoing improvement phase in the business, I note that there is one thing that I am doing wrong, that many other companies fall prey to.
Published in Marketing
Thursday, 19 October 2017

How to get a big payrise

With all of this talk on what some people do to reach their career goals in Hollywood, it seems that we have forgotten the 'real' world.

In the real world, to get a big pay rise, you have to work really hard, ensure that the company is profiting from your work at a rate that is commensurate with industry standards.

As you have seen, some people get paid more than other for various reason:
Published in Marketing
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