Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: technology - Page 4

It's that time of year when entrepreneurs, business leaders and marketing professionals re-evaluate their businesses on multiple levels. The market has changed and with this fluid transformation companies are needing to draw on data, research and experience to navigate the future.
Published in Marketing

Having just come from the #AdobeSummit in Las Vegas I knew that I would learn a lot about Adobe products, but what I didn’t realise is just how many other technologies are forging a formidable collaboration to accelerate the performance of marketing teams around the world.

Published in Marketing
Saturday, 30 March 2019

Am I a marketer or entrepreneur?

I’ve been in the marketing and advertising industry for 25 years plus. Unlike most people, I haven’t chopped and changed jobs along the way, but instead turned my career at the ripe age of 25 into one of those mega-jobs that you can never untangle your way out of. Here’s what I mean…

Published in Marketing
Each year I receive hundreds of invitations to attend conferences and events as a speaker, media or influencer. 95 percent I decline. 
Published in Marketing
It's mid-way through February and many companies are looking for the secret sauce that this going to make this quarter and the next their biggest yet. You can drill it into your sales people and lure them with a carrot. Cutting costs is always a good way to increase your profits and of course there is marketing. Most marketing departments know what they need to do, but they don't always get around to doing it in the timeframe needed to reach the goals of a company.
Published in Marketing

Vocal research is not new but is very much discreet. This is changing! Already with the appearance of Cortana, Siri or Alexa, we are witnessing an invasion. Like any technology, there are many questions, what is it and what should we do about this popularization of voice research?

Published in Marketing

I’ve never really understood the Super Bowl. You know the big football game in America that practically stops a nation. Where 103 million people around the world watch men run around on a field chasing a ball, experiencing the atmosphere of the half time show entertainment and eating greased up though incredibly delicious food. This is one of the most exciting times of year for Marketers all across the world, they shed blood, sweat and tears for their pride and joy (their businesses) to be featured on the Super Bowl commercial breaks and at all be featured on TV some way or another.  

Published in Marketing
At 25 years of age, I started my first business, Insomnia. It was not my dream to own a business at that age, nor did I feel that I was quite ready...but when is anyone ever ready?
Published in Entrepreneurship

When I first developed Robotic Marketer I knew that I had to connect to a very large audience. No technology can be powerful without valuable feedback. Every piece of feedback, good and bad, helps developers fine-tune their technology to provide a better solution for the end customer.

Published in Marketing
There are many challenges fast growing companies have, and at the forefront it tends to be not only how they market their company, but how they are able to optimise their marketing potential at an accelerated rate to achieve more successful outcomes.
Published in Marketing
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