Tag: human resources
Friday, 07 June 2019
Disrupt yourself and see your salary skyrocket
Over the past week, we have been recruiting for a number of positions at Marketing Eye and Robotic Marketer, and I have realised just different one marketer is to another.
There are so many different types of marketing managers and marketing executives in the market looking for jobs.
There are so many different types of marketing managers and marketing executives in the market looking for jobs.
The work, life balance marketer
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Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Is your employee an addict or suffering from anxiety or depression?
At my age, I have seen a lot and in the past six months, I have had two friends die from drug overdoses. They were hugely successful in their careers, and no-one saw it coming. Perhaps they were accidental overdoes, or maybe they chose this path, but it begs the question - what responsibility do we have as friends, family and employers of people who are suffering from addiction, anxiety and depression?
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Thursday, 01 December 2016
There's a reason why some employees are outstanding, and others look on...
There's a changing of the guard coming up in the next few years, and I can see it very clearly. I have a 20 year old niece who has nearly finished University and has received High Distinctions and Distinctions in everything she has done (Marketing and Human Resources) as well as worked full-time for three years at Marketing Eye, played sport and had an active social life.
Stress is rare, as she just takes life in her stride. She is a role model and the future, someone that young women and men should look up to.
Stress is rare, as she just takes life in her stride. She is a role model and the future, someone that young women and men should look up to.
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Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Why toxic people kill company culture
Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs have experienced a toxic employee. They are the one's whose glass is half empty. They constantly complain, nitpick, bitch, gossip and in general have an underlying mean spirit.
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Monday, 06 October 2014
When Your Ex-Boss Haunts Twitter
I am sitting in my hotel room in Atlanta reading the New York Times, as I do most Sunday's.
For me, it's the best newspaper in the world, with no other comparing to the ability of the NY Times to cover intelligent, thought-provoking stories that are based on facts, rather than a publicist's spin or worse, a journalist that is just trying to make headlines.
As I read through the business section I came across this:
For me, it's the best newspaper in the world, with no other comparing to the ability of the NY Times to cover intelligent, thought-provoking stories that are based on facts, rather than a publicist's spin or worse, a journalist that is just trying to make headlines.
As I read through the business section I came across this:
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