Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: robotic marketer - Page 3

If you have ever hired a marketer before, you would know that mostly, they are a different breed. Unlike their sales counterparts, they have less bravo, and as such, need a different approach. Having worked with hundreds of marketers over the years, and more recently, spending time coaching marketing professional in corporations in Australia and the US, I can say firsthand, that coaching marketers to be more successful is all about process.
Published in Marketing
There is not a business on the planet that hasn't thought about setting marketing goals for 2021, and at least given thought to how they are going to keep them. Most companies spend November and December bringing together key stakeholders in a business to discuss the next years business, sales and marketing goals. They do this in the form of a series of workshops, and what's really great about this, is even if you have a small business, a mini-workshop is invaluable for brainstorming how your business can do better in the year ahead.
Published in Marketing

2020 has been an interesting year in marketing to say the least. Yes, we have all undeniably suffered under the conditions of the pandemic – but where there’s hardship there’s also opportunity to be found and many of us have been forced into new and exciting places.

Published in Marketing
With retrenchments far and wide, it comes as no surprise that many businesses have let their CMO’s go in lieu of a more cost-effective outsourced CMO from reputable companies like Marketing Eye.

Published in Management

The year is coming to an end and many entrepreneurs and business leaders are feeling pressure from underperforming marketing tactics in 2020 to rethink their marketing strategy.

Published in Marketing

COVID-19 had brought with it a storm of changes that individuals and businesses must rapidly adapt to. If you are a company, this will mean being proactive in terms of modifying and adapting your marketing strategy to the ever-changing ‘new normal’. So, what are some steps you can take to ensure that your business continues to thrive in this turbulent environment?

Like every other business owner, a month ago I stopped in my tracks. I looked around, read everything I could and basically tried to fill my head with as much knowledge as possible. I know that I don't know what I'm doing and right now more so than ever. I had so many questions: What is happening to the world and how is it going to effect my business? How do I navigate through this period of uncertainty and change, without falling apart? How are my staff going to take this? What's important? What isn't?
Marketing teams are only as good as the freedom they have to be successful, and their individual desire to kick goals, and do campaigns that excited their customers and prospects/
Published in Marketing

Crafting and executing an effective marketing strategy is the most important job for any marketer, and failure to do so is the greatest threat for building business momentum. The key to creating an effective strategy lies in fulfilling your company’s needs, and how you can appropriately market your products and services to your customers. The characteristics outlined below either individually or collectively of a marketing strategy can help companies achieve positive outcomes.

Published in Marketing
With the end of another quarter imminent, our business is re-thinking the way in which we do business. There are operational changes, a new management team and a number of strategic overhauls that will help our business navigate a new era.
Published in Marketing
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