Tag: fear
Monday, 22 April 2019
What is “fear-setting” and how can you use it to chase major goals?
In business, we often imagine our worst-case scenarios - “What’s the worst that can happen if it goes wrong? How can I avoid the situation? How can I fix it?”
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Sunday, 23 October 2016
What are you afraid of? Success? Failure? Judgement?
When I was young, sub-25 years of age, I never had an opportunity to go to a conference that had a line up of speakers quite like that of the North Queensland Entrepreneurs Conference. In fact, I really didn't know it existed. Well, it doesn't and certainly a lineup as inspiring as the one put together for Townsville on 8 November 2016, has not been done before.
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Friday, 11 September 2015
Is fear holding you back from what you're meant to do?
I discovered quite by accident what I was meant to do with my career... and ironically having a baby is to thank for that! Despite the perception amongst young women in business that having babies will ruin their career, I actually think we have a lot to thank the baby making machinery for....!
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Small Business Marketing