Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Blog Author Marketing Eye - Page 6

Marketing Eye

Marketing Eye

Marketing Eye is Australia’s leading marketing consultancy firm for small to medium sized businesses. In simple, we help small businesses grow exponentially through developing targeted marketing campaigns aligned to overall business goals.

As the End of Financial Year (EOFY) approaches, it's a crucial time for you, as a business owner, to reflect on the past year's growth, challenges and opportunities. Among the various aspects of business management, marketing is most likely to come up as a critical area fraught with uncertainty and inefficiency.

Are you spending too much without clear returns? Is your marketing strategy scalable and responsive to change? Do you find yourself grappling with these questions preparing for the new fiscal year?

You are not alone. EOFY is a time for reflections and reconsiderations, especially when it comes to business decisions. Before you move ahead to ‘fix’ everything that you think went wrong, take a moment to read the rest of this blog.

Creating a marketing budget for the upcoming financial year involves strategic planning, foresight, and a clear understanding of both past performance and future goals.

This blog will provide a comprehensive guide to marketers and business leaders on how to effectively allocate resources to maximise impact in the 2024/’25 financial year.

In today’s hyper-competitive business environment, staying ahead means adopting the most effective tools and strategies available. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a buzzword but a fundamental game-changer in the marketing world. If your marketing agency isn’t leveraging AI, it’s not just falling behind – it is failing your brand.

In the modern-day business scene, marketing automation has transitioned from a luxury to an essential component of effective marketing strategies. As digital channels proliferate and customer expectations evolve, the demand for personalised, timely and effective marketing communications has skyrocketed.

Automation tools like LinkedIn and HubSpot's new partnership, and platforms like Robotic Marketer, which simplify everything from strategy to execution and reporting, are leading the charge in transforming marketing into a more efficient, data-driven and results-oriented endeavour. 

The aged care sector has faced unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, compelling many facilities to rethink and revamp their marketing strategies.

One such example is Cobram Regional Care, which undertook a significant rebranding initiative during this period. This move not only revitalised their presence but also aligned their image more closely with the evolving expectations of families and residents.

This blog explores why rebranding is becoming a critical strategy for aged care facilities and how a focused approach to marketing can transform their outreach and engagement efforts.

The COVID-19 pandemic has rewritten the rules across industries, with the marketing sector experiencing some of the most dramatic shifts. Initially, during the early days of the pandemic, companies found themselves in search of experienced marketers to make sense of the rapidly changing consumer behaviours and the sudden shift to digital channels. Marketers were in high demand, with many commanding salaries up to 100% higher than their pre-COVID rates.

However, as the economic impact of the pandemic deepened, the situation reversed dramatically.

In today’s uncertain economic realm, businesses are often compelled to make tough decisions, including downsizing their teams to simplify operations and reduce costs. For many companies, the marketing department, being a significant operational cost centre, often comes under scrutiny. However, reducing the size of your marketing team does not necessarily mean sacrificing the effectiveness of your lead generation efforts.

Here's a strategic guide on how to downsize your marketing team while still maintaining, or even increasing, your lead generation capabilities. 

Running a healthcare practice is no easy feat.

Between patient care and operational management, there's little time left for effective marketing. Healthcare executives are well aware of the headlines highlighting professional shortages across the nation. Despite the decrease in supply, some practices find themselves unable to increase provider utilisation. The question then arises: who bears responsibility for the lack of new patients?

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